4th World Sepsis Congress (25-26 April 2023, online)

We are excited to invite you and your members to participate in the upcoming 4th World Sepsis Congress on April 25 and 26, hosted by the Global Sepsis Alliance. The 4th WSC will feature 16 highly relevant and diverse sessions, covering topics such as the link between sepsis and pandemics/AMR, the role of AI, ML, and big data, patient safety, the impact of policy, novel trial design, and much more. With over 85 speakers from more than 30 countries, this congress promises to be a truly global effort to improve sepsis outcomes for patients everywhere.

We believe that the 4th World Sepsis Congress aligns with the mission and values of European Society of Anaesthesiology and we hope that you will join us in supporting this important global effort.

We encourage you to share information about the 4th World Sepsis Congress with your members and network and to encourage them to participate in this important event. Registering is easy and free, and can be done online at worldsepsiscongress.org. A promotional package with copy, visuals, posters, and much more is available as a free download at worldsepsiscongress.org/promote.

As an organization/network that is committed to improving the health and well-being of your members, we believe that the 4th World Sepsis Congress provides a unique opportunity for your members to gain valuable insights and knowledge from the world’s leading sepsis experts. The congress is designed for healthcare workers, healthcare providers and funders, healthcare authorities, policymakers, patient families, survivors, and industry professionals.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Best regards,

Tex Kissoon,

GSA President, on behalf of the WSC Scientific Committee and GSA Executive

P.S.: Please click here to review the program of the congress.