Programul de gestionare a sângelui pacientului în perioada perioperatorie
Programul de gestionare a sângelui pacientului în perioada perioperatorie
Programul de gestionare a sângelui pacientului în perioada perioperatorie
Recomandări de practică în anestezia pentru obstetrică
Expand your influence and contribute to the development of ESA programmes through committee participation. EXTENDED DEADLINE! Applications are still open for in the following subcommittees: Subcommittee Chairperson VacanciesSubcommittee 13: Pharmacology – 1 vacancy Subcommittee 2: Ambulatory Anaesthesia – 1 vacancy APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1 September, 2018 MORE INFO HERE What is the role of an ESA … Citește mai mult
Dear Active members of Romania, We have the pleasure to inform you that Prof. Dorel Sandesc has been re-elected as the national ESA Council representative for Romania for the next term which runs from 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2019. We wish him every success in this function. Best regards,Jannicke-Mellin OlsenESA Secretary
ESA is happy to announce its research activities for 2013: programmes of Studies, Grants and Masterclasses to support research in anaesthesiology. A new Call for Clinical Trial Network study proposals is now ongoing. The ESA offers administrative, technical, logistic and financial support. Submission deadline : 11 February 2013. Call for Centers still open for CTN … Citește mai mult
In the new UEMS/EBA postgraduate training program, a list of domains of expertise and competencies in these domains has been identified.These domains of expertise can be divided into “Domains of general core competencies” and “Domains of specific core competencies”. Throughout the course of their training, residents will progressively achieve the required level of competence in … Citește mai mult
ÎN ATENȚIA MEDICILOR REZIDENȚI ATI anul V Stimați Colegi, După cum vă este cunoscut, Examenul pentru Diploma Europeană în Anestezie partea I (EDA partea I): probă scrisă constând din 120 întrebări scrise cu răspunsuri multiple la alegere, este parte obligatorie a examenului oficial de obținere a titlului de medic specialist în Anestezie și Terapie Intensivă … Citește mai mult
Dear Presidents of National Societies, Election for posts relating to the National Anaesthetic Societies Committee (NASC) will take place during the ESA National General Assembly in Paris , in June 2012. Please see the attached document. Your help in promoting these elections, within your national society, would be gratefully appreciated. Yours Faithfully, Geraldine O’SullivanChairperson of … Citește mai mult
Dear Officers of the WFSA National Member Societies, On behalf of Dr Philippe Scherpereel, Chair of the WFSA Scientific Affairs Committee, we inform you that scholarships are now available to young researchers from the less affluent countries to study on a research project abroad. We kindly request you to disseminate the attached WFSA Research Grants … Citește mai mult