Euroanaesthesia 2007

Euroanaesthesia 2007 will be attended by members and non-members representing more than 80 countries from around the world. The Annual Meeting offers a comprehensive scientific programme of refresher course lectures, symposia and workshops, together with presentation and discussion of the latest research undertaken in Europe in particular. Euroanaesthesia 2007 is organised with active participation of … Citește mai mult

Hemodynamic monitoring at the beginning of the 21st century

International education to intensive care physicians 19-20 January, 2006 Budapest CONDITIONS • Filled registration form to be sent to Medial by e-mail or fax• Registration must reach Medial at least 60 days before the course date• Registration fee: EUR 200/ 2 days course• Accomodation fee with full board for 2 days:For 2 nights: EUR 230For … Citește mai mult

În atenția domnilor doctori

Domnii doctori care nu au adresă pentru corespondență (sau care nu este corectă) să ne contacteze în vederea remedierii acestor deficiențe.

From Association for Research and Settlement of European Doctors

The goal of the association consists in recruiting graduated European family doctors and specialists for French cities and hospitals suffering form great medical staff shortage. That concept is totally new and unique in France. A soon as Romania enters Europe, the association will be able to examine the Romanian doctors profile and propose them some … Citește mai mult

Rezultatele alegerilor pentru Senatul SRATI

În cursul anului 2006, au avut loc alegeri prin corespondență pentru cinci locuri vacante în Senatul SRATI. Comisia de numărare a voturilor, compusă din Șef lucr. Dr. Ioana Grintescu, Asist. univ. Dr. Gabriela Droc și Șef lucr. Dr. Dan Corneci (secretar SRATI), a desemnat următorii membri ai societății pentru a face parte din Senat pentru … Citește mai mult