World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2023

” title=”” style=”color: rgb(42, 171, 169);”> 4 May 2023 News from WHO headquarters World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2023 World Hand Hygiene Day (WHHD) 2023 has arrived! We hope you have been engaging with the campaign during the lead up to 5 May and making use of the resources on the campaign webpage.    We … Citește mai mult

World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2023

” title=”” style=”color: rgb(42, 171, 169);”> 5 April 2023 News from WHO headquarters World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2023 ” title=”” style=”color: rgb(42, 171, 169);”> IPC in Kazakhstan: turning challenges into opportunities Also learn from Kazakhstan how they used lessons from their COVID-19 preparedness and response to build robust and sustainable IPC solutions in the health care … Citește mai mult

EACTAIC Annual Meeting (11-13 octombrie, Budapesta)

  .   #EACTAICannual Registration is NOW open!   We are excited to invite you to the 38th Annual Congress of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EACTAIC), which will be held in Budapest, Hungary, on October 11-13, 2023. The theme of this year’s congress is “Challanges and Opportunities”, which reflects the evolving role of cardiothoracic … Citește mai mult

Convocator Adunarea Generala a SRATI – 10 mai 2023, 10:00, online, in Zoom

Subscrisa SOCIETATEA ROMANA DE ANESTEZIE – TERAPIE INTENSIVA, denumita in continuare SRATI, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Str. Raspantiilor nr. 20A, Mansarda, Biroul 2, Sector 2, website, avand Cod Fiscal 8472416, inregistrata la Registrul Asociatiilor si Fundatiilor cu nr. 38328, in baza prevederilor din Statutul SRATI si a dispozitiilor O.G. nr. 26/2000 privind asociatiile si fundatiile, … Citește mai mult

WFSA – International Women’s Day

We now have an Annual Theme, which for 2023 is Anaesthesiology and Cancer Care. You can find more information about this theme in the following link: 2023 Annual Theme: Anaesthesia and Cancer Care – WFSA ( We will be having a webinar on Wednesday 22  March on this topic featuring global experts. You can register for this, for FREE here: Webinar: … Citește mai mult

Survey – Anaesthesia and ICU ventilator circuit and filter usage (part of Environmental Sustainability project)

We are inviting you to take part in a 5 minute research survey being done by Dr. Seema Gandhi at the University of California, San Francisco, USA in collaboration with Drs. Adrian Gelb, Michael Lipnick and Patience Atumanya.  This survey will help us learn more about different practice patterns for anesthesia and ICU ventilator circuit and … Citește mai mult

Apel urgent Turcia

Stimați colegi, În urma cutremurului din Turcia, Ministerul Sănătății a deschis un apel urgent către personalul medical care dorește să se înscrie ca voluntari pentru ajutorarea răniților și completarea echipelor medicale la fața locului. Pentru mai multe detalii, click AICI . Cu prietenie, Prof. Univ. Dr. Șerban Bubenek