Burn out among health care workers during COVID 19 pandemic – online survey

Dear friends,

Our team from Department of Psychiatry invite you to join in our online survey.

We all know that at this time of crisis, one of the group of professionals at the frontline are the health care workers.We are planning to study the prevalence  of burnout which would have happened secondary to the pandemic and the associated stress. We will also look into the probable associated predisposing factors and hope to suggest methods to reduce burnout among health care workers.

This survey would take only 7-8 minutes of your valuable time.

The data will be anonymous (we will not be asking your name and you are given option of adding the name of the hospital where you are working only if you want to,it is optional).These data  will be only available to the research team.

You are provided a space where in you can enter your email id so that we can contact you to regarding your level of burnout and to suggest methods to help.(This is not mandatory)

Online survey