05.07.2024 Editura Medicala, Bucuresti Noul Tratat de Obstetrica Ginecologie apare dupa 10 ani de la editarea precedentului, timp in care stiintele medicale au facut progrese remarcabile si s-au conturat si in Romania noi subspecialitati si conduite armonizate cu cele din tarile avansate. In aceste conditii se impunea aparitia unui nou tratat care sa prezinte noutatile … Citește mai mult

COVID-19 Webinar – Thursday 14 May, 16.00 hrs CEST: Save the Date!

This webinar will be a discussion by key experts on the haemodynamic management of COVID-19 septic shock and the latest updates and guidelines according to the new Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) Guidelines on the Management of Critically Ill Adult Patients with COVID-19, with a focus on vasoactive agent management. The presentations will be followed by … Citește mai mult

WFSA Applications Open: ATOTW Editor-in-Chief

Applications Open: ATOTW Editor-in-Chief WFSA is seeking a new Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week (ATOTW) Do you have a passion for anaesthesia education?  Would you like to use your knowledge and experience to help deliver a biweekly, high-quality anaesthesia learning resource accessed by tens of thousands of people?  The EIC oversees the … Citește mai mult

Convocator Adunarea Generala a SRATI – 15 mai 2024, 09:00, online, in Zoom

Convocator Adunarea Generala a SRATI – 15 mai 2024, 09:00, online, in Zoom 12.04.2024 Subscrisa SOCIETATEA ROMANA DE ANESTEZIE – TERAPIE INTENSIVA, denumita in continuare SRATI, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Str. Raspantiilor nr. 20A, Mansarda, Biroul 2, Sector 2, website, avand Cod Fiscal 8472416, inregistrata la Registrul Asociatiilor si Fundatiilor cu nr. 38328, in baza … Citește mai mult

Noul Președinte WFSA

Noul Președinte WFSA Prof. Dr. Daniela FilipescuNoul Președinte WFSA Prof. Dr. Daniela Carmen Filipescu,membru în Senatul SRATI – Președinte Comitet Științific,coordonator al programului științific al Congresului SRATI 2024,fost președinte al Asociatiei Europene de Anesteziologie (2014-2015),este noul Presedinte al WFSA – World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists. Felicitări și mult succes în noul mandat!

Applications Open: 2024 Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship, India

Applications Open: 2024 Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship, India The Ganga Medical Centre & Hospital is offering 2 6-month Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship positions in Coimbatore, starting in July 2024 Applications are now invited for a scholarship for this position. The successful applicant will receive funding to cover tuition, accommodation and subsistence living expenses.  Funding is provided by … Citește mai mult


Crises such as cardiac arrest or hemorrhage are rare during procedures in ORs, but when they occur, they require a rapid, effective response from the OR team to ensure a good outcome for the patient. The OR Crisis Checklists (ORCCs) were developed by a team at Ariadne Labs in 2011, and it has been shown, … Citește mai mult


Greening the Operating Room and Perioperative Arena Environmental Sustainability for Anesthesia Practice Pollution is presently responsible for nine million, or every 1 in 6, deaths each year, mostly due to air pollution. Climate change is already harming human health, through more frequent and severe storms and floods in some regions, droughts and wildfires in others, increasing … Citește mai mult

NATA24 Deadlines in January Travel Grants – Abstracts

REGISTER AT EARLY BIRD RATES   Join NATA24, the international PBM, Haemostasis and Thrombosis congress in Bologna, Italy on 18 – 20 April 2024.  Learn from over 30 international experts, share with colleagues, make new connections, meet up with friends, advance your career, improve your daily practice.  Thursday 18 and Friday 19 April 12 sessions Pro-con debates … Citește mai mult