Celebrating 500 ATOTWs

” title=”” style=”color: rgb(42, 171, 169);”> I was sitting on the train one day and it struck me that the advent of the internet and 3G email was becoming more popular and accessible.  Clinicians were already online in their hospitals.  The internet was the way we should be doing this. I wrote the first tutorial of the … Citește mai mult

APEL pentru inscrierea Asistentilor ATI in PROIECTUL EXTRAVITAL 2023

APEL pentru inscrierea candidatilor asistenti ATI pentru participarea la proiectul: EXTRAVITAL – Implementarea in activitatea curenta a sectiilor de Anestezie si Terapie Intensiva (ATI) din Romania a metodelor moderne de „Suport Vital Extracorporeal al functiilor cardio-pulmonara, renala si hepatica” dovedite a scadea mortalitatea la pacientul critic si Cresterea Competentelor Profesionale ale Personalului Specializat”. Acest anunt … Citește mai mult


Applications are now invited for a scholarship for this position. The successful applicant will receive funding to cover tuition, accommodation and subsistence living expenses.  Funding is provided by the WFSA.  The fellow will work at the Ganga Medical Centre & Hospital. Teaching will be provided by local faculty and visiting specialists.  All applicants must be registered … Citește mai mult

Conferință de presă susținută de președintele Comitetului național de coordonare a activităților privind vaccinarea împotriva SARS-CoV-2

Conferință de presă susținută de președintele Comitetului național de coordonare a activităților privind vaccinarea împotriva SARS-CoV-2 (CNCAV), Valeriu Gheorghiță, și rectorul Universității de Medicină și Farmacie „CAROL DAVILA” București, Viorel Jinga

WFSA annual report

Please find HERE the latest WFSA annual report, covering the period August 2021 to July 2022.The WFSA is our member societies. Together we achieved great things over the last period, despite the ongoing effects of the pandemic.We would like to highlight the following:We launched the SAFE Online platform and conducted successful pilots for SAFE Online … Citește mai mult

World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2023

” title=”” style=”color: rgb(42, 171, 169);”> 4 May 2023 News from WHO headquarters World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2023 World Hand Hygiene Day (WHHD) 2023 has arrived! We hope you have been engaging with the campaign during the lead up to 5 May and making use of the resources on the campaign webpage.    We … Citește mai mult

World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2023

” title=”” style=”color: rgb(42, 171, 169);”> 5 April 2023 News from WHO headquarters World Hand Hygiene Day, 5 May 2023 ” title=”” style=”color: rgb(42, 171, 169);”> IPC in Kazakhstan: turning challenges into opportunities Also learn from Kazakhstan how they used lessons from their COVID-19 preparedness and response to build robust and sustainable IPC solutions in the health care … Citește mai mult

EACTAIC Annual Meeting (11-13 octombrie, Budapesta)

  .   #EACTAICannual Registration is NOW open!   We are excited to invite you to the 38th Annual Congress of the European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (EACTAIC), which will be held in Budapest, Hungary, on October 11-13, 2023. The theme of this year’s congress is “Challanges and Opportunities”, which reflects the evolving role of cardiothoracic … Citește mai mult