Ziua Mondială a Igienei Mâinilor, 5 mai 2022

Ziua Mondială a Igienei Mâinilor, 5 mai 2022 Activități: Mesaje social media: AICI puteți găsi un fișier care include câteva sugestii pe care să le utilizați pentru a promova Ziua Mondială a Igienei Mâinilor 2022. Obiectivul global 2022: pe pagina Zilei Mondiale a Igienei Mâinilor „chipurile campaniei” 2022, dorim să evidențiem 1000 de chipuri din întreaga lume pentru a … Citește mai mult

Convocator Adunarea Generala a SRATI – 14 mai 2022, 08:00, online, in Zoom

12.04.2022 Subscrisa SOCIETATEA ROMANA DE ANESTEZIE – TERAPIE INTENSIVA, denumita in continuare SRATI, cu sediul in Bucuresti, Str. Raspantiilor nr. 20A, Mansarda, Biroul 2, Sector 2, website www.srati.ro, avand Cod Fiscal 8472416, inregistrata la Registrul Asociatiilor si Fundatiilor cu nr. 38328, in baza prevederilor din Statutul SRATI si a dispozitiilor O.G. nr. 26/2000 privind asociatiile … Citește mai mult

CCIDN Inaugural Virtual Symposium

The inaugural Critical Care Infectious Diseases Network (CCIDN) Canada symposium on Life-Threatening Infections and COVID-19 Disease will be held on Feb 24 and 25, 2022. This event has been developed by the members of CCIDN who are physicians and researcher trained in both critical care and infectious diseases/microbiology. This virtual educational event will be singularly dedicated to … Citește mai mult

World Anaesthesia Day – 16 October 2021

Dear colleagues, Please join us as we celebrate World Anaesthesia Day on the 16th of October 2021. This year’s theme is Teamwork: Stronger teams for better patient care. Anaesthesiologists are at the forefront of clinical teams that bring together individuals with different skillsets, attributes and styles. This World Anaesthesia Day we want to celebrate those … Citește mai mult

World Patient Safety Day 2021

Dear colleagues, Wishing everyone a very happy, successful and impactful World Patient Safety Day 2021. Thank you very much for so actively sharing your extremely impressive plans and activities for World Patient Safety Day 2021. It is truly inspiring to witness the commitment of members of the Global Patient Safety Network. I would like to … Citește mai mult