CCIDN Inaugural Virtual Symposium

The inaugural Critical Care Infectious Diseases Network (CCIDN) Canada symposium on

Life-Threatening Infections and COVID-19 Disease will be held on Feb 24 and 25, 2022. This event has been developed by the members of CCIDN who are physicians and researcher trained in both critical care and infectious diseases/microbiology.
This virtual educational event will be singularly dedicated to the dissemination of information on life-threatening infections requiring ICU care and COVID-19 disease. Join nationally and internationally recognized experts for this two day-long symposium focusing on the hot topics of the day in severe and life-threatening infectious disease threats.

Symposium Learning Objectives

At the end of this conference, participants will be able to: 
  • Understand advanced concepts in COVID diagnostics and therapeutics
  • Appreciate how to optimize dosing to take advantage of PK principles in management of life-threatening infections
  • Recognize the role of adjunctive and novel diagnostic techniques for serious infections
  • Evaluate the relative importance of antimicrobial resistance with respect to therapy
To register please visit the CCIDN Symposium website:


The 2022 CCIDN Planning Committee

Anand Kumar, MD
Salman Qureshi, MD
Wendy Sligl, MD
Srinivas Murthy, MD