Join us TODAY at 18.00 CET for the Webinar ‘Fatigue – a safety concern’

Join us TODAY at 18.00 CET for the Webinar ‘Fatigue - a safety concern’

Join the discussion TODAY in our next LIVE webinar ‘Fatigue – a safety concern’ at 18.00 CET & earn 1 European CME Credit!

Fatigue is a state of reduced physiological performance which impacts on our ability to perform tasks. More than 90% of anaesthesiologists experience work-related fatigue. Over 70% of anaesthesiologists report that work-related fatigue negatively impacts physical and mental health, emotional well-being. Fatigue can pose specific risks for a poorer performance of the anaesthesiologists but also for a worse outcome for the patient. In this webinar, our experts, Nancy Redfern (UK), Igor Abramovich (DE), and Andrea Cortegiani (IT), moderated by Ioana Grigoras (RO), will provide an overview of healthcare professionals’ well-being and its impact on patient safety and discuss strategies to mitigate fatigue. 
Make sure you have a myESAIC account to sign into the Academy and participate in the webinar. Signing up is fast and easy if you still need to create one.


Attendance of the LIVE webinar is mandatory to earn the 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®), granted by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).