Mesaj WFSA – COVID-19

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March 2020 Newsletter

President’s Note

Dr Jannicke Mellin-OlsenThis week, WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus identified the COVID-19 outbreak as “uncharted territory,” but one in which countries can still take important steps to contain their outbreaks. 

The unfortunate truth is that medical workers on the front lines of this epidemic will make up a disproportionate number of cases. As we all know, anaesthesiologists and other perioperative care providers are particularly at risk when providing respiratory care and tracheal intubation of patients with COVID-19.

I would like to draw your attention to a sign-posting page on WFSA’s website which highlights recommendations and precautions for providing routine care for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19

We will keep this information up-to-date as and when new guidelines are published. 

Meanwhile, I am sending my thoughts and personal best wishes to every single one of you who are at the front line treating COVID-19 patients on top of other patients whose treatment cannot wait, like C-sections, trauma and cancer. These are tough times not only for patients and relatives, but also for you, our colleagues.

Dr Jannicke Mellin-Olsen
WFSA President

Anaesthesia Matters
Coronavirus – guidance for anaesthesiologists   Current guidelines for anaesthesia and perioperative care providers to stay safe during the outbreak. 
Strengthening Anaesthesia Care in the Gambia
Training to ensure access to safe anaesthesia and surgery in The Gambia. 
2019 Anaesthesia Innovation Awards
The Screenless Anaesthesia Monitor (SAM) which tracks vital signs through digital devices wins $25,000 prize. 
How useful is ATOTW?
Findings from a year long survey of ATOTW subscribers show that the tutorials continue to be a highly valued educational resource.  
Smoking increases risk of complications
New research by WHO/ WFSA/ University of Newcastle on tobacco and post-surgical outcomes.