WFSA Applications Open: ATOTW Editor-in-Chief

Applications Open: ATOTW Editor-in-Chief

WFSA is seeking a new Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week (ATOTW)

Do you have a passion for anaesthesia education? 

Would you like to use your knowledge and experience to help deliver a biweekly, high-quality anaesthesia learning resource accessed by tens of thousands of people? 

The EIC oversees the entire publication process of the WFSA Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week. This includes managing the editorial board, working with all the section editors to commission new tutorials and liaising with KW Global, providing publication support. The role is supported by a member of the WFSA Secretariat, the Digital Learning Lead, currently based in Barcelona, Spain.  

Components of the Role 

1. Overseeing the entire publication process, including: 

• Managing the timely publication of high-quality tutorials on a biweekly basis 

• Making the final decision on all manuscripts before submission to the publishers 

• Reviewing the quarterly quiz 

• Working with the section editors to assess the suitability of new topics proposed by potential authors and assigning a primary editor to each tutorial 

• Ensuring there is no overlap between ATOTW and other WFSA offerings, such as UiA (Update in Anaesthesia) 

2. Managing the editorial board, including:: 

• Recruiting, orienting and mentoring new section leads  

• Monitoring the productivity of each section and identifying gaps 

• Coordinating assignments, liaising with section leads 

• Troubleshooting challenges in the editorial process 

3. Working continuously to improve the ATOTW including: 

• Identifying countries or regions with minimal participation (authorship and readership) and looking for ways to increase their participation 

• Researching and suggesting new features to increase user engagement  

• Exploring opportunities to collaborate with more national societies for broader outreach and inclusivity 


• This is an unpaid, voluntary role, though complimentary registration for WCA and support for travel expenses will also be available (economy travel + 3 nights accommodation).  

• Approximately 6 hours per week on average (note that this can fluctuate depending on the volume of manuscripts in progress) 

• Expectation that the EIC attends WCA as this provides an opportunity to engage with WFSA Board and staff members and network with contributors and editors. 

Experience and skills 

Background in at least a few of the following areas:  

• Anaesthesiologist, preferably with a faculty appointment 

• Leadership experience, demonstrates previous management skills 

• Moderate to strong background in medical education 

• Experience in education technology (desirable)  

• Experience in editorial work (desirable) 

• Experience working/ volunteering in low-resource settings or at least a good understanding of anaesthesia education needs in a global context in both high- and low-resource settings 

• Familiarity with WFSA’s current education offerings 

Personal attributes should include: 

• Highly motivated and passionate about anaesthesia education

• Approachable with excellent communication skills

• Proficiency in English 

• Strong sense of cultural humility

• A high level of probity, integrity, objectivity, fairness, and the ability to maintain confidentiality. Commitment to equality and diversity

• Has an extensive global network of professionals for sourcing authors and editors 

How to Apply 

Applications can be submitted to and should include the following:  

1. Statement of interest including why you are suitable for the role (no more than 400 words) 

2. CV (maximum 4 pages, highlighting achievements that are relevant to the role) 

3. Name, position and contact details of two referees 

Following an interview (virtual or in-person) and a satisfactory reference check, the new EIC will be appointed on a permanent basis

The deadline to submit your application is 31 May 2024

Full job specification